Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Temples of Millions of Years Colloquium

The program for the upcoming Temples of Millions of Years Colloquium to be held in Luxor from 3-5 January 2010, under the auspices of the Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) and of the French Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), is now online (in PDF) at:


The purpose of the colloquium is to engage the scientific community in discussions on the royal foundations known as Temples of Millions of Years, and to fully understand their multifaceted functions. Attention will be drawn to the most recent excavations and studies by researchers and scholars in this specific field, including the latest contributions of modern science and technologies to explore, restore and publicize these monuments.

Iman R. Abdulfattah
Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA)
3 el-Adel Abu Bakr Street
Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt


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