Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Mummification Museum Lectures - TT28

TT28 Amenhotep – Huy Dr Francisco Martin Valentine 12/12/9

Identified on Friederike Kampp’s catalogue Amenhotep was a vizier, Huy is a common abbreviation or nickname for someone called Amenhotep. The tomb is ahead and down from the XI dynasty tomb TT366 Dyar and next to the XVIII dynasty tomb of TT192 Kheruef. It was discovered in May 1978 by Andrew Gordon and Dieter Eigner and is from the time of Amenhotep III 1387-1348 BC.

There is other evidence about this individual

1) 2 jar inscriptions from Malkata mention Vizier Huy referring to first Heb Sed Year 30
2) Steele BM138 Decree of foundation for a funerary temple for Amenhotep son of Hapu in Year 34 of Amenhotep III
3) Chapel at Gebel Silsila year 35 Amenhotep III Le Grand discovered in 1893. It is very important as the inscriptions talk about the relationship between Amenhotep III and IV and prove that Amenhotep III was not at Amarna
4) Remains from quarries
5) TT55 Ramose tomb there is an unnamed vizier at the front of the tomb making offerings to Ramose. This successor is believed to be Amenhotep – Huy
6) The Amarna letter EA11 from Prince Rib-Hadda seem to establish that he was commissioned to make inspections in Syria/Byblos
7) Statue CG590 from Tel El Basta which has no head or hands show he was an important man in the north
8) Statue BM1068 also with head and hands destroyed has an unusual title man, the main one of Nekten
9) Relief in Sobeks temple which replaced one of Ramose as Vizier of the south

Situated in the middle of the sacred area at the front of Deir el Bahri.

The layout of both tombs is similar and conforms to Kampp’s type VIII which is the biggest and most complicated T shape. It is in poor condition and filled with debris from the XXVI dynasty.

The tomb has a corridor access to a courtyard of 528 sq metres bordered on the north side by columns of which only one remains in a state of partial construction carved into the bedrock of the plateau. In the unfinished west façade of the courtyard there are three holes a central door with two windows. This is similar to TT71 and lets the sun in. This entrance leads to the solar court of 384 sq metres.

The solar chapel used to have 30 closed papyrus columns in three rows of 10. Today only 2 remain and the floor is covered with debris. The solar chapel is bigger than TT192, Kheruef who was Queen Tiye’s steward. The entry space extends into a whole dug in the rock mass designed to be the entrance passage to columned corridor as per other tombs of this period TT192 and TT48 Amen em Hat Surer

At the back there are two niches which would have been illuminated by this sun. Amen em Hat Surer TT148, TT192 and TT28 have similar design. On both sides north and south of the entrance there are two niches probably meant to contain statues of the deceased and would have been lit by the sun coming in through the windows.

The tomb belongs to the type built in the Theban necropolis during the reigns of Amenhotep II and IV. It features a courtyard and a spacious hall chapel whose ceiling is supported by a large number of columns or pillars. These tombs have another longitudinal room, that in some cases have pillars. Down a corridor with several changes of direction leads to a tripartite shrine from which hidden access leads to the burial chamber. TT28 could also have one or two ramps situated in the lower south west corner but only future exploration will confirm this.

Clearly TT28 is unfinished and the longitudinal hall, small room for statues of the deceased and his family remains to be constructed after the solar chapel. The tomb reflects the beliefs held at that time.

TT28, 192 and 55 are very similar both in size and number of columns TT107 Nefer Sekheru, TT48 Amen em Hat Surer and Amenhotep are similar size but fewer columns. TT28 is the biggest

It is in poor condition and very fragile, the debris is 3-4 meters high so they have a lot of work. The inscriptions are fragmentary and smoke damaged. One describes him as beloved Divine Father.

They found some reliefs from the door with some good quality carvings; it is a big jigsaw puzzle 600 pieces so far. Pottery from all periods up to Coptic. These will all be looked at because priorities are different these days and everything is valuable. Also a beautiful ivory woman which drew a gasp of delight from the audience from the late to third intermediate period.

They are doing a short season and will be back in July. So far work identified
• Need to install iron door
• Clear debris
• General survey
• Clear and consolidate objects found
• Identify work needed in the chapel
The Spanish ambassador has visited the site.

Next week TT33


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