Books by Joyce Tyldesley
While I was on holiday in the UK I treated myself to some more books by Joyce Tyldesley. If asked for a recommendation for one author I would have to select her. (Although I am a great fan of the ‘Complete’ series as well.) I enjoy her style which is full of facts and knowledge but eminently readable. I reread her books just for enjoyment as well as brushing up things I have forgotten. I have Daughters of Isis, Hatshepsut, Nefertiti, Ramesses, Judgment of the Pharaoh and am now reading Egypt.
Other favourites of mine are the Atlas of Egypt by Baines & Malek which is excellent at describing the more remote and unvisited sites of Egypt, Reflections of Osirus which I picked up at a duty free shop some years ago. Rosalie David also appears on my shelves a number of times. And the Tomb Builders by Morris Beirbeir is great about the Workman’s village.
The first book I ever read was Christine Desrouche Noblecourt on Tutankamun, I was 9 years old and found it so interesting that when given book tokens for my 10th birthday I used them to by my own copy. I find it interesting to see how fashions and knowledge have changed over the years and mt best example is a book I bought in a second hand book shop published in 1908. 14 years before the discovery of Tutankamuns tomb. It is called Egypt, Story of the Nations and my copy was awarded the London County Council Evening School to Ethel Hayman for Typewriting. You can just imagine this little typist think what on earth do I do with this. This is the quote from the book that I love.
The peculiar views of Khuen-Aten or Amenhotep IV, were maintained by the two or three succeeding kings, who had short and disturbed reigns. After them arose a King called Horus or Har-em-hebi
So that is how important Tutankamun was before his tomb was discovered, he doesn’t even get mentioned by name!!! It just shows you how much Egyptology has changed in 100 years.
Posted by Jane: - 12:10 pm - Edit| No Comments »
August 29th, 2006
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