This is a really interesting page on the new SCA website with every current mission and LOADS of websites. Enjoy
Supreme Council of Antiquities - Foreign Mission Resources: "Current and Recent Foreign Missions
Nazlet el-Samman/Heit el-Ghurab, Giza
Mark E. Lehner, Univ. of Chicago/Harvard Semitic Museum, U.S.A.
Giza Plateau
Ann Macy Roth, New York University, U.S.A.
Pyramid Complex of Senwosret III, Dahshur
Dieter K. Arnold and Adela Oppenheim, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, U.S.A.
Teti Pyramid Cemetery, Saqqara
Naguib Y. Kanawati, Australian Institute of Egyptology Studies,
Macquarie University, Australia, Australia
Tomb of Ni-Netjer, Saqqara
Peter Munro, Univ. of Berlin/Univ. of Hannover, Germany
Tombs in South Abusir (Qar, Inti, Iuf-aa), 6th Dynasty
Miroslav Verner, Czech Institute of Egyptology, Charles University, Czech Republic
Horemheb Cemetery, Saqqara
Martin J. Raaven, Leiden Museum of Antiquities, Faculty of Antiquities, Dept. of Egyptology, Lei. Uni., The Netherlands
Temple of Sneferu, Dahshur; Fifth Dynasty Cemetery, East of the Bent Pyramid
Rainer Stadelmann and Nicole Alexanian, German Institute of Archaeology, Germany
Tomb of Ny-ankh-Nefertem, Saqqara West
Karol M. Jan, Polish Center of Archaeology, Poland
Tombs of Niankh-Khnum and Khnumhotep, Saqqara
Yvonne Harpur, University of Oxford, England, Britain
South Abusir-North Saqqara Area
Nozomu Kawai, Institute of Egyptology, Waseda University, Japan,
North of the Unas Causeway
Christiane Ziegler, Louvre Museum, France, France
Memphis, Saqqara
David G. Jeffreys, The Egypt Exploration Society, England, Britain
Kom Helul, Saqqara
Paul T. Nicholson, Egypt Exploration Society, Britain
Gisr el-Mudir, Saqqara
Ian J. Mathieson, Glasgow Museum, Scotland, Britain
Pyramids of Merenre, Ankhnes-Pepi II, Meretities II, Saqqara
Audran Labrousse, Scientific Research National Center, France, France
Bubasteion Cliff, Saqqara
Alain Zivie, Scientific Research National Center, France, France
Tomb of Khafra-ankh (G7948), Giza
Eleonara Kormysheva, Russian State University for the Humanities, Russia
New Kingdom Necropolis, Dahshur
Masahiro Baba, Institute of Egyptology, Waseda University, Japan, Japan
Tomb in the Abu Bakr Cemetery, Giza (NW corner)
Edward J. Brovarski and Tohfa Handoussa, Brown University, U.S.A.; Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University, U.S.A.
Tabbet el-Gech, South Saqqara (Hau-en-fer's tomb)
Vassil Dobrev, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology, France
Kom Tuman Tell Azizia, Mit Rahina
Galina A. Belova, Russian Institute of Egyptology, Russia
Burial Chamber of Idout, Saqqara
Hirosh Suita, Kansai University, Japan, Japan
Mut Temple, South Karnak
Richard A. Fazzini, Brooklyn Museum, U.S.A.
Tomb of Djehutymes (TT32), El-Khokha
Gabor Schreiber, Eotvos Lorand University, Hungary
Station des Repos / Workmen's Huts, Theban Mountains (restoration)
J. Toivari-Viitala, Academy of Finland
Tomb of Amenmesse (KV 10), Valley of the Kings
Otto J. Schaden, Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology, University of Memphis, U.S.A.
Tomb of Amenhotep III (KV 22)
Sakuji Yoshimura, Institute of Egyptology, Waseda University, Japan
Small Amun Temple, Temple of Medinet Habu and Luxor Temple
William R. Johnson, The Oriental Institute, Univ. of Chicago, U.S.A.
Temple of Hatshepsut, Deir el-Bahari (conservation)
Zbigniew S. Tadeusz, Institute of Archaeology, Mediterranean Sea, Warsaw University for Technology, Poland
Memnon and Temple of Amenhotep III, Kom el-Hetan, Luxor
Hourig Sourouzian, German Institute of Archaeology, Germany
Tomb of Sheshonq (TT27), Assasif
Alessandro Roccati, La Sapienza, University of Rome, Italy
Tomb of the Sons of Ramessses II (KV 5), Valley of the Kings
Kent R. Weeks, American University in Cairo, U.S.A.
Tomb of Pa-ren-nefer, Assasif (TT188)
Susan Redford, Pennsylvania State University, U.S.A.
Karnak Hypostyle Hall
Peter J. Brand, Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology, University of Memphis, U.S.A.
Tombs of Neferrenpet (TT147), Amenemope (TT148), Saroy (TT233), Dra' Abu el-Naga, Luxor
Boyo G. Ockinga, Australian Institute of Egyptology Studies,Macquarie University, Australia
Ramesseum Temple, Tombs of Ramesses II and Merenptah
Christian Leblanc, Louvre Museum, France/SCA, France
Chapel of Hathor, Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari (restoration)
Janusz M. Karkowski, Institute of Archaeology, Mediterranean Sea, Warsaw University for Technology, Poland
Tomb of Amenhotep (TT 61), El-Khokha
Tomas A. Bacs, Eotvos Lorand University, Hungary
Tomb of Nefermenu (TT184), El-Khokha
Zaltan I. Fabian, Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, Hungary
Tombs of Amenmose (TT89) and Anen (TT120), Gurna
Lyla P. Brock, Royal Ontario Museum, Canada, Canada
Tombs of Harwa (TT37) and Akhinenru (TT404), Assasif
Francesco Tiradritti, Italian Archaeological Mission, Italy
Tombs (KV 16, KV 17), Valley of the Kings
Robert K. Vincent, American Research Center in Egypt, U.S.A.
North of Karnak
Jean Jacauet, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology, France
Tomb (TT320), Deir el-Bahari
Erhart Graefe, University of Münster, Germany
Temple of Amenhotep III
Angelo Sesana, Komosko Center, Italy
Tomb of Horemheb (KV 57), Valley of the Kings
Geoffrey T. Martin, University of Cambridge, Great Britain
Temple of Tod
Christophe Thiers, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology, France
Tombs of Ramesses X (KV 18) and Siptah (KV 47), Queen Tiaa (KV 32), Valley of the Kings, Luxor
Elina P. Grothe, University of Basel, Switzerland, Switzerland
Tombs of Amenemope (TT29) and Sennefer (TT96), Qurna
Eugene Warmenbol, Free University of Brussels, Belgium, Belgium
Tomb of Nub-Kheper-Re, Dra' Abu el-Naga
Daniel C. Polz, German Archaeological Institute, Germany
Tomb of Neferhotep (TT49), El-Khoka
Maria V. Pereyra, Faculty of Fine Arts, Tuchman National University, Argentina
Tomb of Huy (TT14), Dra' Abu el-Naga
Marilina Betro, University of Pisa, Italy
Tombs of Montuemhat (TT34) and Padineit (TT197), Assasif
Farouk el-Gomaa, University of Tübingen, Germany, Germany
Tombs of Djehuty and Hery (TT11-12), Dra' Abu el-Naga
Jose M. Galán, Spanish Supreme Council for Scientific Research, Spain
Tomb of Nespakashuty (TT312), Assasif
Elena Pischikova, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, U.S.A
Temple of Qasr el Agouz
Claude Traunecker, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology, France
Temple of Mut, South Karnak
Betsy M. Bryan, Johns Hopkins University, U.S.A.
Tomb of Senenmut (TT353), Deir el-Bahari
Francesco J. Martin, Institute of Egyptian Studies, Spain
Temple of Tausert, Sheikh Abd el-Qurna
Richard H. Wilkinson, University of Arizona, U.S.A., U.S.A.
Tomb of Padiamenope (TT33), Assasif
Claude Traunecker, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology/Univ. of Strasbourg, France
Undecorated tombs in the Valley of the Kings (KV 21, 27, 28, 44, 45, and 60)
Donald P. Ryan, Pacific Lutheran University, U.S.A.
Tomb of Puyamre (TT39), El-Khoka
Gabriela Arrache and Jorge Canseco, Mexican Archaeological Society, annex to Elwadi University, Mexico
Qasr Ibrim, Aswan
Pamela J. Rose, The Egypt Exploration Society, England, Great Britain
Aswan, Shelal area, Vall. of the Omoburat, 'Edge of the Desert'; and Kom Ombo, Om Raqaba Valley, New Toshka, Kharit Valley
Maria Carmela Gatto and Manro Cremaschi, The British Museum/Univ. of Milano, Italy
Tomb of Hau-nefer, Tabbet el-Gech, South Saqqara
Vassil Dobrev, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology, France
Pyramid of Djedefre, South Cemetery, Abu Rawash
Michel A. Vallogia, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology/Univ. of Geneva, Switzerland
Al-Galela Mount, Ain el-Sokhna, Khalid Suez
Mahmoud Abdel Raziq, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology/Suez Univ./Fac. Tour:Hot., France
Serabit el-Khadim, North Sinai
Pierre Tallet, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology/Univ. of Paris (4), France
Om Al-Bareega, Tab Tunis, Faiyum
Claudio Gallazzi, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology/Pap. Council-Milan Univ., France
Tomb of Petosiris, Tuna el-Gebel
Jean P. Corteggiani, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology, France
Temple of Hathor, Coptic Church, Dendara
Pierre Zignani, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology, France
Temple of Tod, Ptolemaic, Luxor
Christophe Thiers, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology, France
Ptolemaic temple in Qasr Agouz, Qasr Agouz, Luxor
Claude Traunecker, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology, France
Treasure of Thutmose III Excavation, North of Karnak
Jean Jacauet, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology, France
Tomb of Petamenophis (TT33), Assasif
Bernard H. Matthieu, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology/Coun. Of Mark Polis (Setra Borg Univ.), France
Sixth Dynasty tomb of Baba-lot, Ain asil, Dakhla Oasis
Georges Soukiasian, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology, France
Ain Menower, Dush, Kharga Oasis
Michel Wuttmann, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology, France
Tabbet el-Nahasin Magazine, Alexandria
Jean Y. Empereur, Center of Alexandrian Studies, France
Sand Tira Cemetery, Alexandria
Jean Y. Empereur, Center of Alexandrian Studies, France
Mereya Island, east of Mereya Island, south of Mariut Lake, Alexandria
Valerie Pichot, Center of Alexandrian Studies, France
Mastaba of Akhethetep, Saqqara
Christiane Ziegler, Louvre Museum, France
Ramesseum Temple, Tombs of Ramesses II and Merenptah (KV 7 and KV 8), el-Ashraf Cem., Sheigh Abd el-Qurna
Christian Leblanc, National Center for Scientific Research/Friends of Ramesseum, Louvre Museum, SCA, France
Unas Pyramid, Teti, Merenre I, Ankh-es-en-pepy II, Saqqara
Audran Labrousse, National Center for Scientific Research/Academy of Arts, France
Bubasteion Cemetery, Saqqara
Alain Zivie, National Center for Scientific Research, France
Architectural Mawlawi Complex in Shari Es-Siufiya 31, Helmeiah Gedida, Cairo
Giuseppe Fanfoni, The Egyptian-Italian Center for Archaeology and Restoration, Italy
Istabl Antar, Fostat
Roland Gayraud, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology, France
Bayt Al Razzaz, Cairo
American Research Center in Egypt, U.S.A.
Old Cairo
Gerry D. Scott, American Research Center in Egypt, U.S.A.
Khayer Bek Complex and Umm As-sultan Sha'ban Madrasa
Mohamed el Mekawi, Aga Khan Trust for Culture, Switzerland
Qubbat Afafendina, Old Cairo
Agnieszka Dobrowolska, Netherlands-Flemish Institute, The Netherlands
Mausoleum of Ruqayya Dudu and Bint Badawiyya Shahin
Nairy Hampikian and May Ahmed El-Ebrashy, University of Oxford, England, Great Britain
Aslam al-Silhdar Mosque, Cairo
Gerry D. Scott, American Research Center in Egypt, U.S.A.
Fakhany Mosque, Cairo
Agnieszka Dobrowolska, Netherlands-Flemish Institute, The Netherlands
Qasr Alam, Qaret Atub, Bahariya Oasis
Frederic Colin, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology, France
Badia Mount, Agama, Abu Drurub, Ain Barka, Abu Regoum, Qata Fayer Valley
Francois Paris, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology, France
Om Balad, Red Sea
Helen Cuivgny, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology, France
Kom Al Helgan, Mansoura
Beatrix M. Reynes, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology/Research Center Toulouse Univ., France
Ala Aïdma, Ben Esna, Edfu
Beatrix M. Reynes, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology, France
Qaytbay Citadel, Alexandria
Jean Y. Empereur, Center of Alexandrian Studies, France
Kom el-Shoqafa, Ein Fushi, Tegran, Alexandria
Jean Y. Empereur, Center of Alexandrian Studies, France
Monastery of St. Catherine, South Sinai
Sofia Kalopissi, University of Athens, Greece
Monastery of St. Catherine, South Sinai
Roberto Nardi, Center for Conservation/Archeology, Rome, Italy
Abu Mina, Alexandria
Peter Grossmann, German Archaeological Institute, Germany
New Kingdom Cemetery, North Dahshur
So Hasegawa, Institute of Egyptology, Waseda University, Japan, Japan
Mastaba of Idut, Saqqara
Hiroshi Suita, Kansai University, Japan
Tahna el-Gebel, Minya
Hiroyuki Kawanishi, Institute of History and Human Science, Tsokuba, Japan
Chatby 1 and 2, Alexandria
Harry E. Tzalas, Institute of Hellenic Underwater Archaeology, Greece
First and Third Intermediate Period Cemetery, Ahnasya al-Medina, Beni Suef
Maria C. Perez, Spanish National Museum, Spain
Meidum, Beni Suef
Luis M. Gonzalez, Egyptian Museum, Barcelona; Univ. of Utunoma, Spain
Bahnasa, Minya
Joseph Padro, Barcelona University, Spain
Mit Rahina, Qasr Apries, Kom Touman
Maria H. Trindade, Faculty of Social and Human Science, Nova University in Bulgaria, Bulgaria
Djedefre's pyramid, Western Cemetery, Abu Rawash
Michel A. Valloggia, Geneva University, Switzerland
Om el-Balad, Red Sea
Helene Cuvigny, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology, France
Petosiris Tomb, Tuna el-Gebel, Minya
Jean P. Corteggiani, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology, France
Sixth Dynasty Tomb, Ayn Asil, Dakhla Oasis
Georges Soukiassian, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology, France
Parerekeya , Alexandria
Francis Choel and Marie Jacquemin, Center of Alexandrian Studies, Alexandria, France
Marie D. Nenna, Lomir University-Lyon 2, France
South and Middle Quft, Qena
Laure Pantalacci, Lormir University, Lyon Univ., and Mark Bloche, France
Abusir, Balentin tomb, Borg el-Azzab, Taposiris, North Beach
Marie F. Boussac, Korbi Institute, Lyon University, France
Amun Temple, Sa el-Hagar, Sharkeya
Philippe Brissaud, Scientific School of High Studies, Dept. of Regional Science, France
Khaleg, Abu Qir, Eastern Port (Heraklion), Alexandria
Frank Goddio, European Institute of Underwater Antiquities, France
Tell el-Hir, North Sinai
Dominique Valebelle, Sorbonne University, France,
Citadel el-Deir, Kharga Oasis
Francoise Dunand, Center of Research and History of the Region, Mark Bloche Univ., Sitra Borg, France
Isis Temple, Aswan area
Cornelius V. Pilgrim, Swiss Institute, Switzerland
Naga el-Hagar, Aswan
Michael Q. Mackensen, Swiss Institute, Switzerland
Nelson Island, Alexandria
Paolo Gallo, Turin University, Italy
El Bahrain Temple, Siwa Oasis
Paolo Gallo, Turin University, Italy
Mina Guesis, Safaga South, Red Sea
Rodolo Fattovich, Italian Institute of African and Eastern Studies, Napoli University, Italy
Tombs of Moustafa Kamel, Alexandria
Nicola Bonacasa, Palermo University, Sicily, Italy
Kom el-Ghoraf, El Behera
Loredana Sist, Faculty of Human Studies, Rome University, La Sapienza, Italy
Valley of el-Mahfi, Sheik el Abbiad, Ain Dela, Farafra Oasis
Barbara E. Barich, La Sapienza, Rome University, Italy
Tukh el-Karamous, Zagazig
Enrico Acquaro, Bologna University, Italy
Kom um Alati, Tamia, Faiyum
Sergio Pernigotti, Bologna University, Italy
Demeyet el-Sabeya, Tamia, Faiyum
Mario Capasso, Lecce University, Italy
Medinati Khelwa, Maadi, Faiyum
Edda Bresciani, Pisa University, Italy
Huy Tomb (TT 14), Dra Abu el-Naga
Marilina Betro, Pisa University, Italy
Sheikh Ibada, Minya
Rosarioi Pintaudi, Institute of Papyrus Science, Italy
Tombs of the Nobles, West Aswan
Maysoun Alkhouri, Institute of Cultural Heritage and Restoration and Earth, Italy
Hawara, Faiyum Oasis
Willy Clarysse and Inge Uytterhoeven, Catholic Leuven University, Dept. of Ancient History, Belgium
Djeutyhetep Tomb (17L201), Ihenhetep (17K 85/1), Ige (101), Khnumhetep (103), Djehutynakht, Deir el-Bersha, Minya
Harco Willems, Catholic Leuven University, Dept. of Ancient History, Belgium
Amenemopet Tomb (TT 29), Sennefer (TT96), Sheikh Abd el-Qurna
Roland Tefnin, Free Brussels University, Belgium
El-Hoche, South Edfu, Aswan
Dirk L. Huyge, Museum of Art and History, Belgium
Citao Bilkab Tomb, Aswan
Luc J. Limme, Museum of Art and History, Belgium
Tell Ibrahim Awad, Sharkeya
Willem M. Van Haarlem, Amsterdam University, The Netherlands
Tell el-Far'ain, Buto, Kafr el-Sheikh
Ulrich Hartung, German Institute, Germany
El-Wahi Temple, Orami Mount, Siwa Oasis
Klaus P. Kuhlmann, German Institute, Germany
B Cemetery, Khasekhemwy, Peribsen, Umm el-Qaab, Abydos
Gunter Dreyer, DAIK, Germany
Khnum Temple, Hekaib Chapel, Elephantine Island, Aswan
Dietrich Raue, DAIK, Germany
Qantir, Sharkeya
Edgar B. Pusch, Hildesheim Museum, Germany
Pepi Temple, Tell el-Basta, Sharkeya
Christian O. Tietze, Potsdam University, Germany
Kom el-Giza, Kom el-Hamam, Behera
Marianna Bergmann and Michael Heinzelmann, Goettingen University, Germany
Kom el-Ahmar, Sharuna, Minya
Farouk El Gomaa, University of Tübingen, Germany, Germany
Tuna el-Gebel, Minya
Dieter Kessler and Abd Halim Nur el-Din, Egyptology Institute, Munich Univ; Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University, Germany
First Intermediate period tombs, Iti-ib-I III, Haty I and II (4 and 5), Asyut
Jochem A. Kahl and Mahmoud Elkhadragy, Egyptology and Coptic Institute, Munster University; Faculty of Art, Dept. of Egyptology, Ganoub el-Wady University, Germany
Athribis, Sheikh Hamid, Sohag
Christian K. Leitz, Coptic and Egyptology Institute, Munster University, Germany
Abu Garara, Abu Mahariq, Abu Balat, Khufu, Gebel el-Aiwayanat, Western Desert
Rudolph H. Kuper, Cologne University, Germany
Edfu Temple, Aswan
Dieter F. Kurth, Hamburg University, Germany
El-Hez, South Bahariya Oasis
Miroslav Bárta, Czech Institute of Egyptology, Charles University, Czech Republic
Tomb of Merer-neb-ef, Saqqara West
Karol M. Jan, Institute of Archaeology, Mediterranean Sea, Warsaw University for Technology, Poland
Tell el-Farkha, Rasela, Simbelwyn, Dahleia
Marek Chlodnicki and Krzysztof M. Cialowicz, Institute of Archaeology, Mediterranean Sea, Warsaw University for Technology, Poland
Kom el-Dikka, Alexandria
Grzegorz M. Marian, Institute of Archaeology, Mediterranean Sea, Warsaw University for Technology, Poland
Marina, Alexandria
Hanna Szymanska, Institute of Archaeology, Mediterranean Sea, Warsaw University for Technology, Poland
Houses H21e, H19e, E, H10, H1; Tombs T12, T1k, T1gh, Marina, Alexandria (Restoration)
Stanislaw Medeksza, Institute of Archaeology, Mediterranean Sea, Warsaw University for Technology, Poland
Marina, Alexandria (Excavation)
Wiktor A. Daszewski, Institute of Archaeology, Mediterranean Sea, Warsaw University for Technology, Poland
North Sinai, Il Farma Theater (Pelusium)
Michal Gawlikowski, Institute of Archaeology, Mediterranean Sea, Warsaw University for Technology, Poland
Rock ramp behind Hatshepsut's temple, Deir el-Bahari, Western Thebes
Andrzej Niwinski, Warsaw University, Poland, and Shafia Bedier, Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University, Egypt
Kaseba Shaft, Safsaf, Tarfawy, Naga el-Mobtah Desert, Western Desert
Romuald V. Schild, Polish Academy of Science, Poland
Helmi Warashdi Village, Tell el-Daba, Sharkeya
Manfred Bietak, Institute of Archaeology, Vienna University, Austria, Austria
Taposiris Magna Temple, North Beach, West of Alexandria
Gyozo Voros, , Budapest University, Hungary
Tomb of Amenhotep (TT61), El-Kokha
Phil H. Ermo Gaal, Lorand-Eotvos University, Hungary
Nebamun Tomb (TT65), Sheikh Abd el-Qurna
Tamas A. Bacs, Lorand-Eotvos University, Hungary
Shaft El-Menih, Eastern Desert
Ulrich E. Luft, Lorand-Eotvos University, Hungary
Tell el-Amarna, Minya
Paul J. Nicholson, EES, Great Britain
Tell el-Balamun, Dahleya
Alan J. Spencer, British Museum, Great Britain
Kom Farain, Behera
Neal A. Spencer, British Museum, Great Britain
Hathor em-khebit tomb, Edfu, Sobek mek bilkab, Aswan
William V. Davies, British Museum, Great Britain
Hierakonpolis, Kom el-Ahmar, Edfu
Renee F. Friedman, British Museum; Arkansas University, Great Britain
Zawiet Om el-Rakham, Marsa Matrouh
Steven R. Snape, Liverpool University, Great Britain
Ankhtifi tomb, El Moa'lla
Mark A. Collier, Liverpool University, Great Britain
Mahaga Urit kefra, Gebel el Asr, Toshka
Ian M. Shaw, Liverpool University, Britain
Islamic Roman Port, el-Quseir, el-Kadim
David P. Peacock, Southampton University, Great Britain
Western Beach of Mariut Lake
Lucy K. Blue, Southampton University, Great Britain
Tombs of Kagemni, Ptahhotep II, Saqqara
Yvonne Harpur, University of Oxford, England, Great Britain
Sa el-Hagar, Harbeya, Kafr el-Sheikh
Penelope Wilson, Durham University, Great Britain
City of Watfa, Kasr el-Nebat, Faiyum
Cornelia Romer, Archaeology Institute, University of London, Great Britain
Tell el-Amarna, Ranefer's house, Small Aten Temple, Minya
Barry J. Kemp, McDonald Institute of Archaeology, Great Britain
Zawiet Sultan, el-Minya
Barry J. Kemp, McDonald Institute of Archaeology, Great Britain
Tell Edfu
Nadine Moeller, Cambridge University, Great Britain
Between el-Fushi and el-Agami
Galina A. Belova, Russian Institute for Archaeology and Egyptology Studies, Russia
Tomb G7498, Eastern Cemetery, Giza
Eleonora Kormycheva, Russian University for Human Studies, Russia
Tell el-Tebela, Eastern Delta
Gregory D. Mumford, Toronto University, Canada
Tell el-Markha, South Sinai
Gregory D. Mumford, Toronto University, Canada
Tell el-Mahshala, Sharkeya
Sabrina R. Rampersad, Toronto University, Canada
Amunmesse (TT89); Aye (TT120), Sheikh Abd el-Qurna
Robert L. Shaw and Lyla P. Brock, Royal Ontario Museum, Canada
Asmant el-Kharab; Mut el-Kharab, el-emhada; Nekhesamun Temple, Ain Darbiya, Dakhla Oasis
Anthony J. Mills, Royal Ontario Museum, Canada
Wadi el-Madura, el-Kharga Oasis
Mary M. McDonald, Calgary University, Canada
Om ed-Debadib, Wadi Ain Amur, North el-Kharga Oasis
Salima Ikram and Corinna Rossi, American University in Cairo and Cambridge University, Great Britain.
Giza, Database Project
Mark E. Lehner and Margaret Watters, National Geographic Society; SCA, U.S.A.
Ahmose Pyramid Temple; Tetisheri Chapel, Abydos
Stephen P. Harvey, Univ. of Chicago; Univ. of Pennsylvania; Yale University, U.S.A.
Western Cemetery, Giza
Ann Roth, Howard University, U.S.A.
Tell el-Rub'a, Mendes, Dahleya
Donald B. Redford, Pennsylvania State University, U.S.A.
Hierakonpolis, Temple and Town
Elizabeth J. Walters and David P. Gold, Pennsylvania State University, U.S.A.
Teti Cemetery, Saqqara
David P. Silverman, University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Shunet ez-Zebib, North Cemetery, Abydos
David O'Connor and Matthew D. Adams, University Museum, Univ. of Pennsylvania; New York University; Yale University, U.S.A.
Complex of Senwosret III, South Abydos
Josef Wegner, University Museum, Univ. of Pennsylvania; New York University; Yale University, U.S.A.
Wadi Um el-Qa'ab, Wadi Gir, High Desert, Abydos
Harold L. Dibble, Univ. of Pennsylvania; Yale University, U.S.A.
Luxor way, Farshout, Sahrawi, Reyaneya Desert, Temple and Mount of Gaweta, Krakour Oasis, Toshka Desert
John C. Darnell and Deborah Darnell, Yale University, U.S.A.
Middle Cemetery, Abydos
Janet E. Richards, University of Michigan, U.S.A.
SCA Magazine, Dendara
Sharon C. Herbert and Henry T. Wright, University of Michigan, U.S.A.
Tell el-Borg, North Sinai
James K. Hoffmeier, Trinity University, U.S.A.
Fag el-Gamous Tomb, Faiyum
Charles W. Griggs, Brigham Young University, U.S.A.
Qarit Rosas, Qarit el-Hamra; Watfa City, Faiyum
Willeke Wendrich, UCLA; Groeningen University, U.S.A.
El Hiba, Beni Suef
Carol A. Redmount, University of California at Berkeley, U.S.A.
Tomb of Rai (72) and Amose (121), Sheikh Abd el-Qurna
Peter A. Piccione, Charleston University, U.S.A.
Tell el-Reba, North Sinai
Silvia A. Lupo, Art and Philosophy Faculty, Buenos Aires University, Argentina
El Katrani Mount, ramp, Basalt Quarries, Faiyum
Guillermo A. Cornero, Science and Engineering Faculty, National Rosario University, Argentina
Archaic Period, Esbit Alwalda, Helwan
Eva C. Kohler, Australian Institute of Egyptology Studies, Macquarie University, Australia
Dakhla Oasis
Jennifer Simmons, Washington University, U.S.A.
Kom Truga, el-Behera
Suzanna Fenick, The Oriental Academy of Restoration,
Djoser Pyramid, Saqqara
Machinuri Ochari, Komazeru University, Japan
Tomb of Menna (TT69), Sheikh Abd el-Qurna
Melinda Hartwig, American Research Center in Egypt, Georgia State Unviersity, U.S.A.
Deir el-Medina tombs, Luxor
Nadine Cherpion, IFAO, France
Armant temple, Esna
Christophe Thiers, IFAO, France
Djoser Pyramid, Saqqara
Bruno Deslandes, UNESCO
Kom el-Shuqafa tomb, Alexandria
Jan F. Embro, Institute of Alexandrian Studies
West Bank Tombs, Luxor
Sybil Imeri, IFAO, France
Waterfall Garden, Alexandria
Kalliope Baba Costa, Hellenic Institute for Alexandrian Research, Greece
Ankhor tomb, Assasif
Manfred Bietak, Austrian Institute of Archaeology, Austria
El-Ashraf cemetery, Sheikh Abd el-Qurna
Barbara Engelmann, Heidelberg University, Germany
Tuna el-Gebel, Minya
Katia Lembeck, Berlin University, Germany
Western Maadi Excavation
Ulrich Hartung, German Institute, Germany
Quesna, Munifiyah
Joanne Rowland, Oxford University, Britain
Tomb 23, Sheikh Abd el-Qurna
Galina A. Belova, Russian Institute for Archaeology and Egyptology Studies, Russia
Osireion, Temple of Seti I, Abydos
James Westermann, Arizona University, U.S.A.
Conservation in the Valley of the Queens, Luxor
Neville Agnew, Paul Getty Institute of Conservation, U.S.A.
Valley of the Kings tombs, Luxor
Eugene Cruz, Northern Arizona University, U.S.A.
Taposiris Magna Temple, Alexandria
Kathleen Martinez, Catholic Santa Domingo University
Meir tombs, Asyut
Naguib Kanawati, Macquarie University, Australia
Frasier Tombs, Minya
Elizabeth Thompson, Macquarie University, Australia
Renowned British archaeologist W.M. Flinders Petrie (SCA Archive)
French archaeologist Alain Zivie explores the Tomb of Maia at Saqqara (Kenneth Garrett)
Nineteenth Century archaeologists pose for a portrait (SCA Archive)
Otto Schaden examines a coffin in KV 63 in the Valley of the Kings (Sandro Vannini)
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Thursday, July 22, 2010
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