The visitor centre has some pictures of the site, a terrific model of the entire site reconstructed with both Montuhotep, Tutmosis II and Hatshepsut temple shown in detail. They used the flat platform reconstruction of the Montuhotep temple. I did get a photo but the reflections of the overhead lights spoiled it. It was official opened with the unveiling of a plaque. Then a short film was shown describing the site, Dr Samir and Dr Zafi are seated in the front row and Dr Sabry is beside them and then we explored the site.

Finally we took the tuff tuff, little train to view the effect of the first stage of the flood lightening of the West Bank. Luckily I was sitting next to Mansour Boraik and managed to get a bit of information. It is planned that the entire West Bank will be lit and tourists will be able to visit. They need to get security sorted out as well as the lights and he expects to have the sites open in the New Year. Wow!!
I have already published my picture of the lights, which was just taken on a camera phone, but I like it so much you can have it again :)

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