Laser Scanning
I has a fascinating chat with a guest who used to work at Liverpool Conservation Centre. Apparently laser scanning is so good nowadays that they can use it to make 3-d records of objects and then reproduce them. a while ago the Polish team at the temple of Hatshepsut asked for a plaster copy of a piece of Hatshepsut’s temple that was in the museum. Rather than do this they were able reproduce in limestone a perfect copy of the piece in question.
The possibilities of this are endless here in Luxor.
Also they could scan all the pieces currently on mastabas scattered all over Luxor and put them on computer where they could be matched together. the cost of this equipment is not cheap but when you think of how quickly it could record scenes, especially those in danger from water damage it seems it would be worthwhile. There is also software available that removes damage and makes the surface look like new so reconstructions of the original could be made.
Does anyone know why the missions out here don’t use this. Could someone like the Getty institute fund this and all the missions have access. I know a lot of the teams read my blog so I would love some comments on this.
February 26th, 2006
Well the wife of the same ex guest was commenting about the proposed Seti I replica
“Saw the planned replica tombs - it's taken long enough, the Seti conference was in 2002! Do you remember John's colleague Steve went out and did sample scans of Seti. It is the same firm Factum Arte who are doing them now.”.The company has a website and a big piece about the Seti project
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