It was absolute mayhem at the Carter House today preparing from the grand opening tomorrow. Millions of people trying to work and millions of people want to have an advanced look stopping the millions of people that were trying to work. Tempers were getting frayed but I am sure it will all be fine.
I had taken one look at the furniture yesterday and came armed with two cans of furniture polish and with the help of my friend Ros we removed the building dust from everything we could find. To be honest there was so much in the air I sure it is all coated again but we did our best.
Whilst we were working Dr Sabry and Dr Wassar arrived and also Lord and Lady Carnarvon. It was such a treat to meet them and of course I had to have my photo taken.
The display panels look fabulous and I am sure people are going to get a lot out of visiting this house. Eventually there will be a replica tomb on the site. We wer given a sneak preview of the ghost of Howard Carter. With the aid of lights, screens, mirrors and glass an image of Carter appears and gives a talk about the discovery of the tomb with slides. It is really excellent, very cleverly done
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